This miracle is considered to be the longest-attested annual miracle in the Christian world and it is celebrated only at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The celebration of Holy Saturday (holy fire) has been consecutively documented sine 1106 A.D and it is one of the highlight of Easter in Jerusalem. This celebration by the Easter Christianity is so crowded that a special permission is required in order to get into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. So I (Natalie) usually go to the old city of Jerusalem and wait for the holy fire to be passed from person to person and everyone lights their candles. Afterwards scouts go around the old city in celebration, its a very special and wonderful holiday to experience.
Around noon on Holy Saturday (after Good Friday), the two highest ranking clergymen - the Greek Orthodox Patriarch and the Armenian Patriarch – enter the Holy Sepulchre while all lights are turned off and they go in without any matches or lighters.Then the Armenian remains inside the Angel Chapel where the angel was sitting when he appeared to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection of Jesus, and the Orthodox Patriarch enter the chamber of the Holy Sepulchre. While the congregation subsequently chants “Lord have mercy on us” (brief prayer used in the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican Churches), a light from Heaven light 33 candles tied together by the Orthodox Patriarch. This light symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When the Orthodox and Armenian Patriarchs exiting the Aedicule, they distribute the Holy Fire to their escorts and the faithful gathered around them. From the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Holy Fire is relayed on to many churches throughout the world using special designed lamps.
This Holy Fire is said to be the same Holy Fire that appeared to Moses in the burning bush. It is said that for the first 33 minutes after its appearance the Holy Fire does not consume. People have reported touching the Holy Fire to their faces and even passing their hands through it without getting burned. These reports have served as yet another motivation for crowds to gather at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Holy Saturday as part of their celebration of Easter in Jerusalem.A priest that once entered the tomb to collect the Holy Fire reported that after he has completed his prayers, a Holy light arose from the location where Jesus’ body once laid. It is from this Holy Light that the Holy Fire appears. The priest lighted the candles that he has brought into the chamber and emerged to share the Holy Fire with the awaiting crowd.
Here are some photos that have found, and after I come come back from the old city today I will add some more photos that I have taken. So wait for them :) Happy Holy Saturday!
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